The coolest presets collection for use with Libretro RetroArch Mega Bezel Shaders, FS-UAE and WinUAE


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Sunday, August 15, 2021

It's adaptive! Testing the new 'Split' function

The main weekness with pixel-perfect design is the need to develop as many variations as prevalent resolutions and aspect ratios availaible on the market. Mega Bezel Commodore Pack itself is developed with a 16:9 aspect ratio and 1080p/4K resolutions in mind.

But what if we start exploring uncommon form factors, like ultra-widescreen, portrait mobile-esque and the emulation friendly 16:10? Would this mean starting all over again to somewhat adapt graphics to fill the gaps without stretching and letter-boxing?

Here comes the SPLIT!

This new function is included the latest Mega Bezel Reflections Shader alpha and represents the first real step towards a responsive system within RetroArch. With as little as to no effort, the Mega Bezel Commodore Pack is now horizontally responsive!

Look at these ultra-wide examples directly captured from a Slam Tilt session.

Slam Tilt (AGA) Mean Machines table on Amiga 1200 Synth

Slam Tilt (AGA) The Pirate table on Amiga CD32

Slat Tilt (AGA) Night of the Demon table on Amiga 600

This was also made possible by the addition of the FULL scaling mode in RetroArch 1.9.6, an exclusive feature for use in conjunction with Mega Bezels.

Remember, you have to set the Aspect Ratio to ‘Full’ to enjoy adaptiveness:

  • Settings -> video -> scaling -> aspect ratio set to ‘full’


This time we can talk about integration. As you know, the Mega Bezel project is a collective effort that involves many creative minds: we often confront our researches and solutions in an attempt to bring the best experience to our fellows gamers!

With a little coding effort and leveraging on original author cleaned-up sources, I was able to port @soqueroeu impressive console-themed TV Sets 3 to my customized preset chain, thus getting full adaptive functionalities.

Did you know musician Chris Huelsbeck contributed to BC KID Amiga conversion?

Why is this cool, you may ask?

1 - IT’S SOLID: Well, first of all this proves that the Mega Bezel framework built by @HyperspaceMadness is a very good abstraction with almost all of the components an artist may need to develop beautiful overlays-on-steroids.

2 - IT’S SIMPLE: Then, that it took little to no effort to customize a rasterized template with dozens of brand decals and background variations, making the final result both unique and easy to mantain and update.

3 - IT’S ADAPTIVE: One last thing you may notice from the screenshots: @soqueroeu designs natively support ultra-wide and adaptive features from the latest bleeding-edge Mega Bezel Reflections Shader alpha, proving once again that solid design has its roots in essentiality.

Shout with me: LESS IS MORE!!!

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